Can service design support
gender equality?

We provide structures that include a gender perspective in the design of services.

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Gender impacts services

Making gender inequalities visible through the design of services is crucial for more impactful solutions.


women represent most of health care workers


women that make it into design leadership

Public transport

women use twice as much public transporation

What we do

We empower service designers through workshops that bring gender senstivity in to the design of services.


Interpret insights from academia


Inlcude gender in user centered design process


Create strategies to foster equality and impact

Our services

We give talks and hold workshops with creative teams to bring gender sensitivity to their everyday work.

Workshops & Talks

2.5 hours discovering how gender influences the design process

Take a look at our workshop program.

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Become a multiplier

We give out our workshop material to spread the method. Meet us online and learn our approach.

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Why we do it

The experience of equality is the product of conscious design. By understanding inequalities you can leverage your impact


This is a research initiative - We continously explore how an inclusive design process can empower and celebrate the full espectrum of gender expression.

About the project